Google is Killing uBlock Origin. No Chromium Browser is Safe.
A place to discuss the news and latest developments on the open-source browser Firefox
Given that Eich was the leader of Mozilla for a short while but he found it hard to stay kinda makes me think Mozilla's leaders are currently better (or at least more acceptable). Can you point to leadership at Mozilla as "bad"?
All true, I’m pretty much saying all are pretty bad. To quote a post from Reddit:
“Reasons to stop supporting Mozilla:
While Mozilla laid off 250 employees then gave their Execs got a colossal salary raise
Delving into politics
Their last major innovation is piggybacking on Mullvad to make a VPN UI which mandates a Mozilla account, so basically a shittier non-anonymous version of Mullvad. (Full disclosure I think Mullvad is pretty damn good, just Mozilla's spin on it is garbage). Even Firefox relay is a complete cashgrab compared to its independent alternatives like anonaddy.
Mozilla doesn't deserve your donations nor your usage. They are paid off by Google to make their grubby search engine the default. They don't need your money.
The Mozilla we knew is not the one we have anymore”
Here are the links;
I’d like a more independant way to browse the web, a browser has become as important as my OS and I want to see a Linux of browsers!
I don't feel like talking to posts proxied from reddit.
Agreed, but I felt compelled to mention the filthy source 😅