It's been a great journey
Post funny things about programming here! (Or just rant about your favourite programming language.)
Just put everything into tables. That's how we did it when I were a lad
OG grid layout
I used to enjoy building webpages with Notepad.
Man this triggered some forgetten memories.
This is my favorite Notepad memory: in the late '90s I went through a six-month stretch where Internet Explorer's "View Source" command just totally stopped working. It would normally open up the HTML source of a page in Notepad and suddenly not having this made debugging ... challenging to say the least. Nobody else that I worked with had this problem and nobody could figure out what had happened to me.
The culprit turned out to be an inexplicable IE bug where View Source wouldn't work if you had a shortcut named "Notepad" on your desktop. It didn't even have to be a shortcut to Notepad, it just had to be named that. The fix was to just rename the shortcut "NotepadX" and then View Source worked again.
Works for Word aswel (just make em invisible)
Also works for Lua.
This and bespoke, hand crafted rounded edges.
that's how I kept my digtal axes so sharp by hand grinding img corners
That's right, we don't need no stinkin' CSS!
Update: Just for clarity - we most definitely need the stinkin' CSS.
Frames… Lots of frames.