Whatever the outcome, we can be proud that everyone gave 110% and did their best! Hopefully there won't be any hard feelings, and they can shake hands with the winner after.
Beyond everything else, this election will finally prove to everyone that Democracy™ works. Burgerlanders will cheer unanimously at the success of the system and realise the true spirit of elections are the twitter accounts they screamed at along the way.
Whatever the outcome, we can be proud that everyone gave 110% and did their best! Hopefully there won't be any hard feelings, and they can shake hands with the winner after.
Beyond everything else, this election will finally prove to everyone that Democracy™ works. Burgerlanders will cheer unanimously at the success of the system and realise the true spirit of elections are the twitter accounts they screamed at along the way.
Whatever the outcome, I’m willing to do a reach-around across the aisle.