Mozilla Foundation lays off 30% staff, drops advocacy division
A place to discuss the news and latest developments on the open-source browser Firefox
We're gonna end up with a Blink monopoly, aren't we?
My hope is that Mozilla stops working on Firefox and the Linux Foundation creates a new Firefox fork and finances the project. It would be the official Linux browser.
I do not see why you think the Linux Foundation could stomp 500+ devs out of the ground and do a better job. That's three times the size of the current Linux Foundation. Nevermind that the Linux Foundation is purely non-profit. Paying a living wage to that many devs is pretty much just not going to be possible.
The Linux foundation is still trying to take Servo out of the ground
They are quite successful with Servo. Progress is obviously slow but it always had been. What matters is that progress is happening
When you are trying to compete with another application, speed matters a lot.
Servo isn't competing at all. Servo is an experiment
Nothing stopping them from forking it now
There is no need to at the moment, that's stopping them. Like with Redis, there was a need to fork it. My hope is that the Linux Foundation does not see any other way than doing it themselves.
Either you die young or you live long enough to turn into the Blink engine.