DNC Announces Plans to Learn Nothing from This
A place to share and discuss stories from The Onion, Clickhole, and other satire.
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They'll usually blame one of those marginalized groups they claim you hate if you don't support them. Joe Scarborough blamed Democrats' support of trans rights. After months of being told that I needed to back the Democrats for the safety of LGBTQ+ community, it was amazing to see how quickly he threw them under the bus.
Nobody who calls themselves a Democrat or leftist or whatever label you want to apply to yourself other than “right wing dipshit” should EVER listen to anything Joe Scarborough has to say. He is a right wing grifter just like Ben Shapiro, he just happens to have the support of MSNBC or whatever network he is on now.
You understand that's Biden's favorite morning show host, right? I don't disagree with your assessment of him, but you might want to consider that his opinions may be much more aligned with the Democratic leadership than you think.
This is more an indictment of Biden than anything I said.