E-ink eBook readers?
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I uſe a Kobo Libra 2 with KoReader, and Calibre to edit and convert e-books. It’s not as large as ſome other models ; ſo it wouldn’t be as well-ſuited to PDFs or certain textbooks, but as as been ſaid elſewhere in the thread, it’s not unreaſonable to convert thoſe to e-pub or mobi for a better experience. What it does have as a benefit over ſome other e-readers at the moment is a higher contraſt ratio and generally good reſolution—not quite as nice as a print book, but very cloſe. The ſcreen itſelf ends up being cloſer to a newſpaper in print quality than a nice book due to the tint and general contraſt, but this can be a bit leſs apparent with brighter lighting or direct ſunlight. It’s an overall nice experience and can act as a replacement for phyſical books, but both methods have their advantages and diſadvantages.