‘Hague Invasion Act’ - US Senator Threatens ICC with Military Force
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no i'm using it to reference how the u.s. is used to fighting rice/goat farmers and still getting their asses kicked and the dutch probably have like aircraft and shti, that doesn't mean "they are superior" it means they probably have better odds at killing a guy because they ahve money to throw into things like "having aircraft"
stop over thinking every comment i beg you all, i was literally just going "lol some marines would die haha do it" with vague thoughts about how even the slightest success western militaries have ever seen in the last hundred years have been from having air support in situations where their opponents don't
I apologize, I didn't intend to argue and should've chosen my words better.
It's okay i accused you of over thinking but i'm over thinking and over drinking, have a good night dawg <3
i got all offended at the accusation that i'd try to make the Dutch seem good u_u lol