TIL Australian Sushi is a thing! It never occurred to me that they don’t have the easy to hold rolls in other parts of the world. I think they make up like 10% of my diet haha.
Looks like it’s time to introvert again!
“Before going into beta” is HIGHLY optimistic lol
Microwave Watt?? Converts cooking instructions to whatever your actual microwave is (mine’s a shitty 700w beast so I have to add about 50% cooking time to most things). http://www.microwavewatt.com/
Mass produced Knick knacks. Those useless ornaments that just seem to accumulate on bookshelves, fireplaces and cabinets.
I was wondering who else counted the words lol
Still a drop in the bucket of what’s needed and still not immediate enough. Lots of people gonna be doing a tough xmas this year.
110F = 43.33C if anyone else was wondering.
Hopefully good sausage sizzle weather!
Would the Australian (NSW) laws apply here because that’s where it happened? They updated their sexual consent laws not long ago and their easy reader is pretty clear that a kiss is considered part of that. Not sure how it would be charged under the criminal code: https://dcj.nsw.gov.au/documents/children-and-families/family-domestic-and-sexual-violence/domestic-and-sexual-violence-hotlines/dcj_easy_read_sexual_consent_digital_accessible.pdf
Probably a dissenter but I like having all those stories in one place now. I think the community is too new to start subdividing it up too.
No it’s a well-studied woman thing.