J’ai un peu peur pour les 4 années à venir. On a déjà survécu à 4 ans donc je garde espoir…
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Wow impressionnant, on est haut dans les drama.
ABSOLUTELY. Every non western country will celebrate for weeks when those arrogant insufferable terminally racist colonial chauvinists and nation-destroying thieves finally get the fiery justice they deserve.
Lire cela en réponse à un message qui dit ceci :
Death to France. Death to Spain. Death to Portugal. Death to Britain. Death to every Nordic country. Death to Amerika.
Ils ne saisissent pas l’ironie ?
Il y aurait de quoi en faire une série 😅
Guild Wars entered the chat
If everyone was following your path, micro transactions wouldn’t be there anymore.
That’s the kind of guy who rushes into the final boss unprepared, isn’t it ?
But they don’t care, do they ? It’s better for them if you stop playing the old game and buy the 1234th remake of Mario at full price on Switch
I use brave or Firefox + uBlock. Never see any ad.
Somehow I miss those days. Now you need weeks of training to understand the black magic behind all the build/deployment stuff in whatever cloud provider your company decided to use…
Who the fuck validated the bright idea in a management meeting : let’s outsource the mobile project to that Chinese company which produced those trash games ? Those people need to be fired like yesterday. Crazy how a company can sabotage itself…
Ça ne va pas s’améliorer pour les IVG. Ce vote montre qu’il y a plus de la moitié de la population US qui est d’accord avec le fait qu’une IVG équivaut à un meurtre…