[-] melmi@lemmy.blahaj.zone 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Yeah, fair enough. To my mind I guess I don't think of array indexes as an example of actual zero based numbering, simply a quirk of how pointers work. I don't see why one starting from zero has anything to do with the other starting from zero. They're separate things in my head. Interestingly, the article you linked does mention this argument:

Referencing memory by an address and an offset is represented directly in computer hardware on virtually all computer architectures, so this design detail in C makes compilation easier, at the cost of some human factors. In this context using "zeroth" as an ordinal is not strictly correct, but a widespread habit in this profession.

That said, I suppose I still use normal one-based numbering because that's how I'm used to everything else working.

[-] melmi@lemmy.blahaj.zone 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Picard is definitely the worst for this. It's woefully generic and miserable.

On the other hand, SNW feels like it has much more of the TOS-era vibrancy, LD is pretty similar to TNG in terms of setting (plus modern humor of course)... Prodigy even takes the novel approach of seeming like generic sci-fi at first only to become probably the most similar to 90s Trek out of all the new shows, albeit in kid's show format. Still, it's really fun and is all about the hope the Federation represents.

And for that matter, while early Discovery is pretty dark, I feel like Discovery gets more hopeful. Sure, the 32nd century has kind of a "fallen utopia" thing going on, but it very quickly turns into rebuilding and by the end they're looking hopefully to the future as they're expanding their borders again. It's different from the previous eras of Trek, but it's still hopeful.

[-] melmi@lemmy.blahaj.zone 0 points 1 day ago

Indexes start from zero because they're memory offsets, but array[0] is still the first element because it's an ordinal number, not an offset. It's literally counting each element of the array. It lines up with the cardinality—you wouldn't say ['A', 'B', 'C'] has two elements, despite array[2] being the last element.

[-] melmi@lemmy.blahaj.zone 97 points 5 months ago

Little known fact about D&D succubi: since 4e succubi can change sexes freely. Incubi and succubi are just different forms of the same monster.

[-] melmi@lemmy.blahaj.zone 47 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

As far as I'm aware, there's nothing preventing a PluralKit equivalent from being made for other platforms. In fact, a quick search turned up a WIP Matrix port on github.

So no, I don't think this is true. Lack of PluralKit isn't what's preventing people from switching en masse. It's the opposite—lack of people switching means there's a lack of demand for a PluralKit port in the first place, so even though there is a port people don't know it exists and thus it doesn't get as much dev attention.

It comes down to network effects, ultimately, and just plain inertia. If you're already on Discord, and all your friends are on Discord, it's hard to convince you to switch. And being more familiar with the Discord bot ecosystem (like PluralKit) is just one more thing that adds to the inertia.

[-] melmi@lemmy.blahaj.zone 339 points 6 months ago

So this is just a thing now? Removing media from the world?

They found out it works so now it's gonna become a trend.

[-] melmi@lemmy.blahaj.zone 45 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Ending prices with 99 is manipulative. We accept it from businesses because we're conditioned to, they're businesses after all! Being manipulated by businesses is just how our current society operates, part of the environment we live in. But if an individual offers us something for a price ending in 99, we're much more likely to be suspicious of it.

The article actually explicitly mentions this, and suggests you list things for 25 under instead of 1 under, for example, as it won't immediately trigger recognition that you're doing this.

All the better to psychologically manipulate our fellow people in pursuit of profit, my dear.

[-] melmi@lemmy.blahaj.zone 60 points 8 months ago

It's kind of ironic taking a project that's already written in Rust and writing a replacement for it in Java.

Usually things get ported to Rust, not the other way around.

[-] melmi@lemmy.blahaj.zone 74 points 9 months ago

The annoying thing about that is that if you don't long rest enough in BG3, you miss a lot of story beats. Unlike tabletop, it wants you to long rest, and will punish you for not long resting rather than punishing you for long resting.

I'm doing a second playthrough and I'm realizing just how much I missed during my first playthrough where I used my tabletop mindset of "rest only when absolutely necessary". And even then sometimes watching other people's playthroughs I see scenes I never saw.

[-] melmi@lemmy.blahaj.zone 68 points 11 months ago

This is a weird one because despite being a "good" spell, it entails the mass murder of innocent neutrals. It really doesn't seem like a good action to me.

It seems like anyone who was okay with this would fall to neutral or evil simply by virtue of being okay with mass murder, and in turn fall victim to the Great Neutral Purge.

[-] melmi@lemmy.blahaj.zone 44 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

No. It fits Captain Angel's perspective as an edgy pirate pining after their lover, but Starfleet is full of hopeful, enthusiastic scientists who are in space because they want to be. They love exploration for exploration's sake, and are on a ship full of people who likely have similar interests.

Angel's perspective is warped by their passion; I mean, they're literally in the middle of hijacking a Starfleet ship to get their lover back. They think their dependency on love is universal, when in reality most people are more emotionally stable than them. Although it probably helps when you're in Starfleet and have an incredibly supportive working environment and not, you know, a pirate crew.

[-] melmi@lemmy.blahaj.zone 42 points 1 year ago

I worry that the cat is out of the bag on this. The tech for this stuff is out there, and you can run it on your home computer, so barring some sort of massive governmental overreach I don't see a way to stop it.

They can't even stop piracy and there's the full weight of the US copyright industry behind it. How are they going to stop this tech?

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