Not sure about that launcher as I use Projectivy launcher, but I have the ability to hide certain apps. On it, my home screen only has the apps I use, nothing else no ads no "suggestions"

Mostly a people to blame and for others to fear monger, it's a way to make people look the other way also, a common "enemy" instigated from the true enemy. And sense there is not a lot of trans people statistically it's hard for them to defend themselves. It's all about manipulation and control over the people

The president said it was rigged with help from elon

Facism and Oligarchy

God having just two service animals where I am was a nightmare because they didn't think. I needed both even though they both help me In different ways i Wouldn't ever think any place in amerikkka would allow cat lady type Cats

If he can't manage his own time. He can't manage shit

Blahaj instance is the place I go to the most for LGBT stuff, don't really have much recommendations as I tend to browse my "all" feed.

Tell your friends to tell everyone you know who's LGBT I posted in all my places to tell them all we have lemmy witch is far better. Reddit and block it but can't block others from spreading the Lemmy word

I honestly would love all my mugs and dishes to have these kinda sayings on them. Especially for guests would be entertaining

Always remember only work for how much pay and benefits you get. Never go beyond as companies will exploit you without promotion or raise.

[-] 12 points 3 days ago

Promotion in America is not often skill based. It's how popular and how much someone can "fake" it. From my experience, if your not extremely outgoing and look like you know anything and everything, promote is hard.

Why most bosses are completely useless and don't understand anything.

Yes there's some exceptions but from my experience it's often times that.

Going to. Store for food and hopefully America government didn't shut off my good stamps to live. Also fearing to be set to a internment camp, so have to be fast.

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