Exactly. Absolutely it has to be cancelled based on the fact that the imminent danger to Canada is from the US. No way we should be buying their weapons, listening to their media etc.
Not a legal necessity but I would say very important to have at this time. Given that other countries (the US) and people (Elon Mung) are weighing in on Canadian politics with no knowledge or understanding of how our parliamentary system works. Donald already farted out his mouth that JT was using the tarrif situation to “hang on to power” which is complete lies and bullshit needless to say.
Trudeau’s last day(s)
Exactly. Canada should just choose to ignore it. Just like the US is ignoring international deals they’ve signed with other countries. Thing is: Canada has honour and our actual signature means something when we sign agreements. I don’t think Canada will sink as low as the US.
We need to pull out of this deal, the last thing Canada needs is to buy weapons from the country that has designs to annex us. And that sells weapons with kill switches.
We really need a lemmy version of r/ehbuddyhoser
Cause if they don’t the rhetoric from the CPC will be unending. My guess is an election will be called in the next week before March 24. Plus Carney needs a seat in parliament.
I think all senate appointments are full. My guess is there will be an election called March 10.
He doesn’t have a seat so I think an election will be called asap so he can get a seat.
No not a requirement, he can be PM without a seat - but it’s very unusual. There will be a general election called soon. He’ll get a seat.