I found my old gameboy color, and I started playing Pokémon gold on it.

The thing is, the screen sucks. I see there are backlight mods and wanted to know if anyone has experience with this.

I’m not sure if all the displays made for the gameboy color have the same resolution.

I can only buy kits directly from China where I live, but the resolutions are not listed. I’m worried it’s going to distort the original image.

[-] neon_nova@lemmy.dbzer0.com 21 points 2 weeks ago

It doesn’t seem that this bill does that.

I think it’s taking power from agencies like the fda and fcc. It doesn’t say anything about the courts.

But I might not understand everything perfectly.

Where do I start? (lemmy.dbzer0.com)

Hey, I’m a huge Star Trek fan and have seen all of that stuff endlessly.

I love the Star Trek community, and it seems Doctor who has a similar thing.

So, I want to check out this show. Can someone recommend a good place to start?

Can I just pick a series based on the actor? I was considering the series with Matt Smith. Just because I saw a few clips with him.


I grew up playing Final Fantasy VII. I probably played it around 10-12 years old and again on ios a few years ago.

WOW! What a classic.

I decided to play the remake on my Steam Deck just ot revisit the game and see areas of the game reimagined.

They did a great job in this aspect, but overall I feel that the game has not been fun.

So far, it is just walking from place to place while having the occasional battle. 99% of the time you can mindlessly mash a button to find the battle.

The few boss battles that come up can be interesting and this is where you start to learn the mechanics as they are not needed up until this point.

But, there are many sections that are long for the sake of being long. Like making you walk slowly in certain situations, like walking up to 7th Heaven, or making you hold a button to interact with something when 99% of things just require you to press the button once.

My biggest disappointment in the game is that the gear I unlocked and leveled up, do not carry over to the next game. Once I learned this, I stopped caring. They really should have let you bring over your characters.

Anyway, I am near the end game now and will probably finish it since there is not much left, but I will not be playing other iterations of this game. I might just watch a speed-run or a "let's play" to see the different areas.

[-] neon_nova@lemmy.dbzer0.com 35 points 1 month ago

It’s stressing me out to no end. I think the average person doesn’t even know this is currently happening.

[-] neon_nova@lemmy.dbzer0.com 20 points 1 month ago

I wouldn’t necessarily call it key logging but all these services are going to store anything you search.

[-] neon_nova@lemmy.dbzer0.com 63 points 1 month ago

Why don’t you just ask Bethesda/microsoft. We are all struggling.

Zelda:OOT Randomizer (lemmy.dbzer0.com)

I played oot using Ship of Harkinian to play a randomized version of this game after seeing it run at GDQ. I did use easier randomizer settings than the runner did, but I just completed my first run of it.

I did need to use the log 4 times to lookup where an item was.

The first one was to find the letter to give to king zora. It was behind a waterfall in the gerudo valley.

After this, I used it to find the megaton hammer. It was in the grotto right in front of the entrace to the goron city. I was a little annoyed as I knew about this grotto and didn't check it before since I got the song of storms late in the game.

I found the longshot by beating dampe in under 1 minute or actually 1 minute on the dot. I also got the light arrows from speaking to the chicken girl as an adult.

I felt pretty good about this as 3/4 hints I needed were to find items in places that i did not know that you could find items.

I'm not a zelda expert and only played through this game casually before. So if you like this game, i'd recommend giving the randomizer a try. It breathed new life into the game.

[-] neon_nova@lemmy.dbzer0.com 30 points 1 month ago

I can’t believe that game‘s been out for four years now.

[-] neon_nova@lemmy.dbzer0.com 25 points 2 months ago

Haha, I love how the Kazon are universally hated. I can stomach them, but I skip the Ireland episodes. God! They are bad.

[-] neon_nova@lemmy.dbzer0.com 22 points 2 months ago

President Musk will get his way and they will make a compromise and call it the Gulf of X-ico.


I have already seen everything Trek some more than once already. I always get a bit sad on the last few episodes of a series. I am going to miss the characters and seeing them continue to grow and interact with each other.

The same thing happened when I finished my rewatch of DS9. I think it hit my harder with DS9 since that those characters had such a good chemistry with each other.

Once I finish Voyagers I plan to start watching TNG right away. I havn't done a complete watch through of it for many years. I usually get the first 2 or 3 seasons before getting distracted. I have been looking forward to watching it again.

Mario Kate update (lemmy.dbzer0.com)

After finishing Mario Kart Double dash, I decided to try Mario Kart DS as I never played that one.

I’m guessing that it had to do with the hardware, but the karts felt slow, so I moved on to Mario Kart 8.

I have to admit that this version of the game looks the best and the kart movement feels the best.

It’s such an improvement over Double Dash that I think I do in fact like it better. Especially at 200cc.


I’ve been playing double dash recently and it seems like the least dumbed down Mario kart game.

I love that each racer has their own special, I love that you need to swap out the racers to actually get a second power up.

The game has been really fun. I just lost gold on special cup by 2 points. I did terribly on rainbow road with toad 😂


This game is really just a Castlevania clone for the Master System. It is a bit easier than Castlevania, but it’s still really fun and fits the mood really well.

If you like classic Castlevania, give this game a try. I’m sure you will enjoy it.

If you’ve played it before, what are your thoughts on it?

[-] neon_nova@lemmy.dbzer0.com 22 points 2 months ago

To be fair, most people know the enterprise but have no idea there are letter designations. But I still like this meme.

[-] neon_nova@lemmy.dbzer0.com 22 points 2 months ago


[-] neon_nova@lemmy.dbzer0.com 32 points 2 months ago

I think that is perfectly valid and I’ll happily recommend steamos to newcomers. I’m only a little worried about it being locked to flatpaks by default though. Hopefully that will change, but for most users it will be a good start.

[-] neon_nova@lemmy.dbzer0.com 25 points 2 months ago

THANK YOU! I can't stand that guy. His voice kills me and I never found him funny. Nothing against him personally, he might be a great person, but I can't understand how people can stand the content he makes.


I recently replayed MGS1 for psx and then MGS2 for PS2. I just started up MGS3 and I cannot get into it.

I think I often read that people love MGS3, but I think MGS1 has the most interesting story and levels. I also think the bosses in MGS1 were much more fun than they were in MGS2.

Am I in the minority here? What other games would you recommend that capture the MGS1 vibe?

[-] neon_nova@lemmy.dbzer0.com 32 points 2 months ago

Maybe now is a good time to follow up about the $2000 United health care owes me in reimbursements.

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