When they let the travel bloggers in we'll know =P You'd have to be impossibly naive to think the government wouldn't beat to death anyone who photographed the concentration camps...
Everyone in america has a camera I wonder why there arnt any pictures from inside area 51?
Did you come up with that on your own?
Is it possible that the travel bloggers simply didn't go to the concentration camps?
Wow a travel blogger said they didn't see any signs of genocide?!? Case closed boys!
Call musk, they need someone like him!
Correction: it didn't get hacked, they just had no security
Finally a PM who understands programmers
He was pandering them, and hes pandering now, its just to different people
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joined 5 months ago
Nope, an ad hominem would be if I said something like "you lied before why should anyone believe you now". The conclusion of my logical analysis was that "you must be corrupt to believe that". If you're concerned with fallacies read up on "appeal to authority" because you're a one trick pony