yes sure!!!
threadiverse woa, i like group discussion but i guess you could have that in the uhhmmm twitterverse too tho
ok thanks, but i'm 21 yep!!
ok sure!! i found it on reddit
ok thank you!!
focus on myself and my art and my programming, get better at it, become popular!!! and give people valuable and good lessons, and stop eating junk food
i will always make backups thanks, everything gets backed up of course!! thank you for the information
let's go!! graphic designers using linux uniteeee, my photography class teacher was pleasantly suprised when i told her about this software and how it's very similar to "lightroom" by adobe, yea it's great, i've been using it for class and for photo editing
let's goooo
i should have googled it first right?? umm thanks a lot!!!!!
thanks bro, it's from a yet to be released videogame called billie bust up, i think it's pretty awesome!!!! it's got cool music
woa what the frick!! that actually scared me it's like 2001 space odyssey type of stuff