That's fucked up I'm sorry, I'd have eaten an entire plate of cheese hors d'vors myself and taken half that chicken with me afterwards. I'm not even into wrestling and I'd have come for that food.
You're a good friend for providing that for a watch party (on top of paying for ppv) and I'm sorry your friends don't appreciate how well you maintain your half of the bridge. The least the 2 could have done is tried the cheese and chicken.
Edit holy shit are those pre stuffed pretzel bites. Bro wtf is wrong with these people I'd have asked if anyone wanted any and eaten the entire plate. (I may or may not have portion control issues but seriously, they didnt touch any of that delicious looking food)
It was supposed to be Space travel. Flying cars. Automatons and lasers. Deep sea robots that could explore any shipwreck and show us the animals of the deep. Nanobots and cancer-cures.
We were promised the world would be ready for millenials to get into every field and make the differences they wanted to be, and so much more, as Dragons hoarded all the money and chopped the legs out from every ladder.