Gotta Sue Em All (lemmy.world)

Buy it!


For context: I’ve been working on the game for almost 19 months now and for a very long time it had a low wishlist count. As I started updating the Steam page with new images and gifs and posting about it regularly the people who were interested in the game grew. Today I woke up to check on Steamworks and it turns out it’s 7000+ wishlist! (It was around 300 for the first YEAR of development).

But here is the thing, I’m not one of those guys who quits their job to pursue gamedev. You see posts like these all the time, I’m not even sure if most of them are even real, but I feel that is a HUGE risk. One I’m not willing to take, as I can’t afford to go two years without pay. A safer thing to do is to do gamedev on the side. But the amount of work you have to do is pretty much like having a second job. I think that if you treat it as hobby you will never get there. So I started treating my free time as a currency and trying to optimize how I spend it. Currently most of it is spent on game dev. Haven’t seen any of my friends for a few months now. And haven’t even turned on the PS4 in the living room since September. I only have time to play some classic games at nights on the weekend. Funny story but the other week at 2 A.M. I was staying late, with just the laptop in the dark and my girlfriend comes in and asks what the hell am I doing in the dark. I was actually playing Splinter Cell, and she looks at my screen and there it was Sam Fisher holding a terrorist at gun point.

One thing I refuse to compromise with is diet and workouts. I try to cook my own food and have only home made meals. I plan for each week so I save time when eating. Something I’ve found out is that it’s pointless to over exhaust yourself with no sleep and shitty diet. In the end you are not in a better state to be creative and as your well being suffers, your game suffers to. So I just work on my job during the day, and then from 18:00 to 23:00 I switch to my game. Somehow I squeeze in there 3 dog walks, 2 meals and a dinner with the wifu.

After almost two years, I’m wrecked. Will do it again tho. I have two cool ideas for other games and I really want to see happen (one is kind of a Psychological Thriller, the other is a Cozy Game).

P. S. Thank you if you have wishlisted it already and if not, please consider doing so : )


Remember the Hitler Toaster? I'm bringing him back as a villain !!! (not that he was a hero before)

New GABEN DLC (lemmy.world)
Meet Single Girls (lemmy.world)
[-] Road_Warrior_10@lemmy.world 39 points 1 month ago

Well the demo is free, get as many copies as you want :D

[-] Road_Warrior_10@lemmy.world 28 points 2 months ago

Definitely not, I've seen some liberal suggestions that Buenos Aires was an inside job, but it's all bull

[-] Road_Warrior_10@lemmy.world 56 points 2 months ago

Love me straightforward films like that. Just good old fashioned bug killing, no fancy satire or any kinda of stuff like that

[-] Road_Warrior_10@lemmy.world 67 points 2 months ago

Hello guys, I’ve noticed a lot of people here are hungry for more games like the Stanley Parable. After playing the O.G. game and the Deluxe edition I’ve found myself wanting more of this. More of these meta, narrator led, weird humour games! I started work on my called Do Not Press The Button (To Delete The Multiverse). You can check it on Steam and give a wishlist if you want to encourage the development.

Anyway the other day I'm randomly checking Steam Most Wishlisted games and DNPTB is on there! How wild is that?

[-] Road_Warrior_10@lemmy.world 32 points 3 months ago

Arhgh missed that! Thank you so much!

[-] Road_Warrior_10@lemmy.world 66 points 3 months ago

If you want to support me, a wishlist of my current game will mean the world to me: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2336120/Do_Not_Press_The_Button_To_Delete_The_Multiverse/

But please don't spend money on my previous games, I recognize that they aren't that good I don't want to burden anyone financially with them (I loved every minute of making them, but I was still a noob back then).

[-] Road_Warrior_10@lemmy.world 29 points 3 months ago

hah same energy

[-] Road_Warrior_10@lemmy.world 39 points 3 months ago

Yes, their cut is 30% which is a lot, but they are pretty much the only big platform out there. Epic games has been trying to get in the game but so far they are not close. Their cut is 15%.

[-] Road_Warrior_10@lemmy.world 39 points 3 months ago

I think they keep your money until reach the threshold. Steam aren't scummy so I'm pretty sure there is no shady stuff going on with your money.

[-] Road_Warrior_10@lemmy.world 180 points 3 months ago

For context: I make indie games and have released two so far and I'm currently working on the third one which is weird as fuck. So the way that Steam works is, they don't send you money anytime you make a sale, but they send all of it at the end of every month. Now September is almost over and I got an e-mail titled "Steam Payment Notification" and I get all hyped up. I open it and read it that the Payment Notification is actually that there is no Payment since I didn't make $100 in sales. Way to hype me up and bring me down, Steam.

[-] Road_Warrior_10@lemmy.world 50 points 3 months ago

Oh, man... sorry it's coming off like that. Since it's called the Humorless Toaster, the main inspiration is Ron Swanson. At least that's what I was going for...

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