[-] TheEighthDoctor@lemmy.world 79 points 1 month ago

I hope it becomes a trendy thing for depressed teenagers instead of shooting up schools

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by TheEighthDoctor@lemmy.world to c/movies@lemmy.world

Hey guys so I finally watched Hereditary, let me preface by saying that I have a problem with horror movies because I watched so many growing up that they all feel the same to me, so I can't watch any of the Paranormal Activities or Annabelles or any of those pop horror movies.

That said there were some horror movies that I enjoyed, Get Out, Bird Box and Midsommar and Cabin in the Woods (for different reasons) come to mind.

After hearing so much praise over the years I finally decided to watch Hereditary and let me tell you it was a big disappointment, at 1 hour runtime I found myself playing with my phone because it was soooooo slow and it didn't get better from there, the plot was very basic, cult tricks someone into summoning a demon (a tale as old as time) and the payoff was very mid.

The ambiance and overall look were very cool, but that's all. What is your opinion on this movie I need to know if I'm crazy?

[-] TheEighthDoctor@lemmy.world 97 points 5 months ago

AI to summarize and recommend content, helping users dive deeper into products, shows, games

Notice they don't talk about hobbies or common interests, just "shit we can sell them"

[-] TheEighthDoctor@lemmy.world 137 points 6 months ago

When the web pages are called up by the web browser, the HTML file is transferred to the RAM on the user’s device. To display the HTML file, the web browser interprets its content, creating additional data structures. The plaintiff sees the influence on these data structures by the ad blocker as an unauthorized modification of a computer program

This has to be the most idiotic thing I read this week.

[-] TheEighthDoctor@lemmy.world 69 points 11 months ago

Russia continues to kill in European soil with 0 consequences.

[-] TheEighthDoctor@lemmy.world 107 points 11 months ago

Oh no, my feelings are so hurt ... Hearing a politician teach me about work is like hearing a priest teach me about sex with an adult.

[-] TheEighthDoctor@lemmy.world 164 points 1 year ago

Me too and I'm not even American, dissolution of NATO, serving Ukaine on a platter to Russia, possibility of more war in Europe with Putin getting bolder.

No pressure Americans but your elections are kind of important for the future of the world.

[-] TheEighthDoctor@lemmy.world 88 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

He's the one who likes all our pretty songs And he likes to sing along and he likes to shoot his gun But he don't know what it means

[-] TheEighthDoctor@lemmy.world 203 points 1 year ago

Both leaving reddit and leaving google s.e. were two things that I thought would be harder than they were.

[-] TheEighthDoctor@lemmy.world 140 points 1 year ago

But then when the guy's son picks up an AK and takes revenge he is a terrorist

[-] TheEighthDoctor@lemmy.world 99 points 1 year ago

You guys have "a Religion"?

[-] TheEighthDoctor@lemmy.world 164 points 1 year ago

Israel took their lands and kicked them out of their houses, kills them by the hundreds, the world does nothing because Israel is a friend of the US who do you think they are going to turn to if not to rebels?

[-] TheEighthDoctor@lemmy.world 87 points 2 years ago

Just lie then, what's the point of acting like this

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