Your game will actually likely be more efficient if written in C. The gcc compiler has become ridiculously optimized and probably knows more tricks than you do.
Medical device manufacturers also threatened iFixit because it posted ventilator repair manuals on its website.
What the fuck is wrong with people. Anyone who opposes the right to repair for MEDICAL DEVICES is irredeemable.
Time to set my VPN to California
As bad as Reagan was, he wasn't trying to sell out the country nearly as blatantly as Donald Trump is. For the staff of one of the most conservative presidents in recent memory to say they would support the liberal candidate is not so much a bad thing for Kamala's campaign as it is a bleak commentary on the state of reality.
Really pushing HIPAA with this one, but with good cause
If you distribute encrypted materials you also need to distribute a means of decryption. I'm willing to bet a honeypot was used to trick him into distributing his csam right to the government hinself.
bdbd is not a palindrome but bddb is
Dated June 2022, folks. This is a repost for relevancy, not news.
It's open standard, not open source
The one time Esperanto isn't the most wacky language on the list
There are 6 genders, Your can be up, down, strange, charmed, a top or a bottom.
Though if you're really anti-establishment you can also be the exact opposite to any of those.
Too complicated for 90% of voters to comprehend.
They saw: Democrat president made my groceries more expensive
They heard: Democrat replacement will do things around the same as they used to be. Republican guy is going to do things VERY differently.
And the herd mentality took over past that point