I can't cancel my parents out because they're dead. But they actually got more liberal as they got older and they would have canceled my sister's Wisconsin trump vote.
He's been amazing as our governor. Go check out all the things that were passed in the past two years with a one vote majority.
Let me guess, the black genes are only 3/5 as powerful as her Indian genes?
My experience is exactly the opposite. I don't work for a FAANG but I've been around the block a bit. Its always the junior devs that try and add new warnings etc to the code base. I always require warnings to be cleaned up even if that means disabling specific instances (but not the whole rule) because the rule is flagging a false negative.
I always assumed he was in a Harbour or near shore.
Why would anyone go through the pain of installing Oracle java when you can just install openjdk from the repos. If you develop on windows, Adoptium.net will give you prebuilt openjdk.
Wouldn't soup just leak all over the place if you put it on a square? A cube would be better.
Maybe we should replace Stack Overflow with another site where experts can exchange information? We can call it "Experts Exchange".
He used a banana, an organic dildo, and a carrot. It snapped the carrot and then he decided to try with his arm, hand, and finger.
Any amount of ketchup on mac and cheese is too much.
Its Texas, depending on the races of the shooter and victim, its either death row or being elected to US or state representative.
If John McCain hadn't basically gotten out of his death bed to vote no on repeal, it would have been gone.