Puttin clearly the best politician, Winning before even starting and not even campaigning! Big wow! Incredible job! /s
Who would've thought, believing in democracy and law to be the bare minimum for being a president.
Sovereign citizens will see this and think the treasury is playing hard to get. 😂 Clearly he didn't put it in enough random bill numbers in to prove his point.
As cool as this is, Im not quite sure I want my monitor to also watch my porn with me.
The amount of murder I have done in gaming. I'm going away for a long time boys💀
Good. Every time they bs without evidence, it: Destroys the credibility of legitimate claims & can cause serious reputation and mental harm to the accused. Should be criminal
Because they are terrible people that need to hold someone hostage in order not to be single? Probably something along those lines...
Here's what this bill does for children: reduces pedos from sharing images of them yay! Here's also what it does for Children: un-encrypts their chats so pedos know what they are doing, where they are, who they are with, what they like, their vulnerabilities and much much more. Trading safety for a viewing crackdown. Congratulations
Fire fox is living up to it's name as they are on fire. Everytime I see a tech update from any of the major players it's always bad, except Firefox. Keep being real. I luv u
This may seem like a joke, but it won't be next dev conference 😂
They had the one ability not to harm anyone with CSAM and they try to generate real people... Truly vile
Wild. I wonder how bad reddit will be in a few years. If you think it's bad now, It's not even publicly traded yet, and we've all seen how money grubbing being a publicly traded company can become. "Make line go up no matter what" 👀