[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 5 points 18 hours ago

Same. Like, damn, I'm a queer leftist woman who takes an SSRI. This administration wants me in a camp for sure and I would happily change nationalities if it were possible. I'm rooting for the Canadians (and the rest of the world that isn't insane), except PP and his ilk.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 232 points 7 months ago

I feel like if you go to Death Valley, in July, when we're having record-breaking temps all over the world, and you wear flip flops...look, I'm not saying anyone deserves to lose a foot just because they're making stupid choices, but maybe like, a toe. Because man, that is wildly stupid.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 168 points 7 months ago

Thank god for the TSA, keeping us all safe from 4oz of shampoo and water bottles, though, right?

submitted 8 months ago by frickineh@lemmy.world to c/vegan@lemmy.world

I'm going to a conference next week and while they asked everyone for dietary preferences, I don't have high hopes based on experience (sure, I'd love another "salad" that's just iceberg with no dressing!), so I'm trying to plan ahead and bring some things with me so I don't starve. Unfortunately, the hotel room doesn't have a microwave, just a mini-mini-fridge and I'm bringing my small kettle, so I mostly have to stick to things that can be stored/eaten at room temp, or prepared with just hot water. So far, I have some soy curl jerky to take to long sessions, a couple of ramen bowls, and some bread and packets of almond butter, but I'm kind of out of ideas. There is a Trader Joe's within walking distance, so I can at least grab some fruit or salad when I get a chance, but is there anything else I'm not thinking of that I should pack and/or plan to buy? The conference is a full week, so I'd prefer not to eat crap (like the ramen) the whole time if I can help it.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 180 points 8 months ago

The backfiring isn't because Republicans are upset about it. It's because other people are finding out about it and are rightly horrified. It may (hopefully) convince more people to vote that might have stayed home otherwise.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 305 points 8 months ago

Huh. Have any of them considered a job? If the mom was capable of driving her child to another state to murder some people, I bet she could drive for uber or something. Or be a getaway driver for other criminals, idk.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 215 points 10 months ago

Be strong and gay. Got it.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 180 points 10 months ago

Surprise surprise, her doctorate is in psychology. She works with special ed kids and I'm guessing she's either decided or parents are self-reporting that they're "vaccine injured." ๐Ÿ™„ What an asshole.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 201 points 1 year ago

One of the most common complaints I read about dating apps is how many bots there are, so yeah, for sure add AI into the mix. That's definitely what people want. Also, if you have to use AI to start a conversation, what are you gonna do when you meet someone in person? Match has really done the most to ruin online dating over the last several years, though, so this just seems like another step on the same path.


I looked up the ones he shows in the video and basically all of them are the equivalent of 30 year old participation trophies. He's posted the video on every city fb post for days, and he calls volunteering slavery every chance he gets. There's a reason his own political party disavowed him a couple of years ago.


This guy has been running for local office and losing every election cycle for years. His latest thing is that he is a victim the same way George Floyd was because DEI has made it hard to be a white man, I guess?

For the record, his "wife" literally left the country over a decade ago and I think his son has also moved to her country. The last picture he has with them is easily 15 years ago, so I don't think they really give a shit if anyone votes for him. Oh, also, they're Asian so he regularly refers to himself as a "person/father of color."

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 187 points 1 year ago

I'm really enjoying all the right wing women getting offended by this. Like, no shit these men don't respect women, they never did. You're not different or special just because you're a giant pick-me, and conservative men only put you on a pedestal when they can use it to insult liberal women. Cry more about the situation you put yourself in.


I don't do much handheld gaming, but I'm going to have some overseas flights and long-ish train rides later this year, and may also be having surgery that will keep me fairly bedbound for about a month. I'm just not sure how much money it's worth spending on a deck that I likely won't use much outside of those specific cases - I bought a switch when I got covid in 2020 and used it a ton at the time but I've only used it a few times since, though I miiight use a deck a bit more just because I already have a pretty extensive steam library.

Is it better to stick to the cheapest model or is there enough of a difference that it might be worth spending a little more for a nicer one?

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 157 points 1 year ago

With higher delivery fees! Why on earth would anyone even order Pizza Hut after this? If I'm paying obscene delivery fees and jacked up menu prices through doordash or whoever anyway, I'm getting better food than that. Or just eating at home like I end up doing every time I look at the total from one of those services.


Yeah, definitely don't put any of those profits toward a living wage though. Make your employees trauma dump for the chance at a few extra bucks! Probably comes as an Amazon gift card, too.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 199 points 1 year ago

Nothing says, "we're definitely not planning to do some war crimes, and for sure no genocide" like banning people from telling the truth.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 218 points 1 year ago

Wow, I can't believe Democrats would say something like that. Gym Jordan is not an insurrectionist.

He's an insurrectionist and a pedophile enabler. Get it right.

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