[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 17 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

EA and Ubisoft, some kernel level anti cheat, and typically speaking, i dont enjoy games that have tower defense mechanics (and i hate when its shoehorned in, e.g Monster Hunter Rise). Korean MMOs. Mobas in general

[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 15 points 2 days ago

yes, because debilitating viruses could wipe out herds, especially for those factory farmers where animals are living in destitute situations.

it's also one of the reasons why eating horse meat is illegal in the U.S because horses are pumped with stuff because theyre raised to be companions for work rather than for consumption.

[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 3 points 2 days ago

battlefields a bit different. battlefield basically nowadays is that the game always launch in a terrible state, and fixes itself a year down the line. battlefield players will play the game regardless and maintains ~6000 user playerbase active

[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 10 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

the only correct way imo is the ine that ultimately lowers the cost of homes, but people who see homing as an investment do not want that.

of course there will always be people who choose the lifestyle by choice, but there shouldnt ever be a way to punish those who are willing to work, but physically cannot afford to.

take for example Singapore who does it in a 2 headed authoritarian way. private home ownership is expensive, but legal. government housing is cheap but your lease only last a century (so you never officially own your house). they monitor whether you work or not. if you cannot maintain a job, you get deported back to your country of origin (if youre a migrant). They have security for other problems to adress jail (e. g drugs).

[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 5 points 3 days ago

unlikely because most of the mess revolved around the failure to properly break down the ottoman empire back after WW1 which left any minority group in the region victims of future problems over the past century. if it didnt happen back then, its unlikely to happen now.

[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

she was born into it because iirc her parents are one, and its less of a story of her converting to one.

my opinion is that of course, theres basically no replacing Chester, but as a group they need to leverage what she can do and hopefully push out a banger. Need to not look at the past too long and look ahead

[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 11 points 4 days ago

theyre using pagers because they were told cellphones could compromise their security.

[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 21 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

in the medical field you have sort of two opposing forces:

there's a severe lack of personnel, because personnel is very hard to train, and its not practical for doctors to train a bunch of people simultaneously.

Governments want them to train more, but the consequence of training more is you get sloppier work, and all the doctors pay will decrease because theyd essentially be training their competition/replacements.

Given the fact that the medical field is one of the hardest fields to enter (and one of the costliest ones), existing doctors have much more to lose if there is a flood of new workers. Doctors on a reletive scale are overworked and underpaid, and adding more staff would address the overworked part, but doesn't fixed the underpaid part. Given that South Korea has a socialized health care, it's virtually a matter of the government willing to pay more for doctors or not

edit: I should preface, by underpaid, its not how much they get paid once they finish all their trianing (which is a lot, almost 4x the average). it's just that while doctors are going through the intern status, they get paid peanuts(basically country average) while working (an illegal) amount of time, so the journey up to becoming a full fledged doctor is basically work slavery. It's in a very similar boat to like trade school apprenticeship (where you start off with destitute pay) but gradually gets better and you get options for more hours. the only difference is doctors have that mandatory almost decade year of training while trade jobs start work almost instantly.

[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 95 points 1 week ago

basically how i see it with delivery trucks, you need a few things.

heated/air vented seats for driver comfort along with AC.

easy access to the back of the truck

as well as room to stand in the truck, because the driver is going to have to constantly get in and out of the driver seat, so being able to get out easier/faster is good.

[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 94 points 4 months ago

the cancellation of the model 2 for the cybertruck may have been the worst possible decision tesla went through maybe.

[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 123 points 6 months ago

IMO the capacititive buttons with no feedback are even worse than the touch screen. at least with the touch screen, you will likely have a colored UI element on screen to press. with the cars that replace all the buttons with capacitive buttons with no feedback, theyre all the same color.

[-] Dudewitbow@lemmy.zip 127 points 6 months ago

the funniest shit about the paperowrk is that nintendo indirectly says nintendo is doing illegal work because they claim a video game emulator is a piece of software that allows users to unlawfully play pirated video games that were published for a specific console on a general purpose device.

they either have to say NSO/Nes/Snes classic are not emulation, or admit their definition of emulators is not the universally accepted definition of it, else Nintendo just Claimed Nintendo is serving up and charging for an unlawful service that is NSO.

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