At least 90% is my guess. MANY foreign countries are trying very hard to ensure we tear ourselves apart from the inside
Yep, like the stories from 9-11 where people were going back up the stairs because they forgot to turn their computer off.
Nope, definitely poop
256GB? that's hitting on the low side
That wasn't OP's question though.
Yeah, npm might not be a great abbreviation for that. npm = node package manager, which is big in node.js and javascript.
Record as much video of yourself as possible. Text does not convey the emotion and tone that an actual video or audio would.
It protects your ip address, and your ISP from knowing what you're doing. It also protects you on public wifi from nefarious actors. VPN's aren't meant to protect you from Google advertising while checking your Gmail account...
Not sure why you're getting downvoted, paying for services you use shouldn't be looked down upon. It's way easier then trying to always be ahead of the ad block blockers. I do block all ads on websites though
My cat prefers my wife's hair ties, it's hilarious
Yum, it's Skyline time!
Yep, vast majority is foreign actors is my guess. Trying to get us to tear ourselves apart