Alright, I just dipped my balls in a bowl of cordial, so you don't have to.
My sack didn't detect any sweetness, but I'm sure if someone sucked on them, then they would.
Alright, I just dipped my balls in a bowl of cordial, so you don't have to.
My sack didn't detect any sweetness, but I'm sure if someone sucked on them, then they would.
(Not my art)
Bruh. Just get lidocane from the pharmacy, it's not restricted.
The really funny thing about this is OP is egregiously wrong.
Soy doesn't contain estrogen, it contains phytoestrogen, which not only doesn't produce any estrogen-like side-effect, but actively prevents our bodies from taking and producing estrogenic hormones.
This is all very ironic, considering drinking ~~excessive~~ cows milk ~~leeches calcium out of our bones and~~ exposes us to a smorgasbord of hormones not designed for humans.
Soy is shit tier anyway, oat milk all the way.
Mass Effect, The Witcher, San Andreas Hot Coffee Mod, Sega Bass Fishing 2, Cyberpunk 2077.
It's pretty common.
It's hilarious to me that Epic will never introduce features like this, and also complain Steam has a monopoly, as if they're at all comparable
What the actual fuck? I thought it looked poorly shopped, but it's legit.
I choose to believe Gabe had stored all that energy for just such an occasion.
For the uninitiated:
This would be hilarious if it was satire, but this ain't the onion.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again:
Those of us on the left needs to be more concerned with our optics and police ourselves better.
Catch-phrases like "all cops are bastards", "defund the police", "~~math is racist~~", "black lives matter", "trans-women are women" etc., do not help to promote ~~liberal~~ progressive ideologies and push the people on the fence away.
For the record, I'm not saying that the ideas behind the words are bad*, but the phrases themselves act as a litmus test; If anyone questions the phrases, the divide has occurred, and they're a fascist (another word which is used far too often).
Many of these are so easy to correct for, "Reform the Police", "Black Lives Matter Too" are the most obvious and easy changes.
There are those who'll say that conservatives are going to complain about it anyway, and many of them are set in stone, but there are far too many people going to the right, as a result of the left making fools of ourselves.
The strength of the right is that they'll accept anyone who isn't left. Proud Boys, Neo-Nazi's, and KKK are tolerated by the right because their strength is in numbers, not ideas.
*I support the ideas behind all of them, but how they are perceived by conservatives is not how they were intended to be understood.
EDIT: The conversations about liberal and liberalism have been draining. There is one definition which is practically synonymous with progressivism - this is what I meant, not Liberalism.
At this stage, I have no sympathy for anyone dumb enough to invest in an obvious pump-n-dumps.