My dry herb vaporizer, used to spend 0.3-0.5g on a spliff joint and now I'm using 0.05-0.15g per bowl while getting great effects, flavour, and level of convenience, and ofc.. I stopped combusting, so it's better for my health too. Returned it's value after few weeks tops.
Says they don't trust 3rd party e2ee, refuse to elaborate further, leaves.
uBO' block elements be like: see you never byee
Everyone loves cute kittens right....right?
Signal. Just signal
Yeah. And also
Respectfully disagree, I have no complains about the browser itself. just that lazy web devs don't test on ff, or actually, only on chrome.
I love the TOP x hours sort. My default is 6 but if I notice seeing the same content, top 1 hour fixes that
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joined 2 years ago
ddg,brave and opera are chromium based.