Maybe let’s not make ISPs accountable for what their users are doing unless they are sanctioned or something? Agenda shouldn’t insult readers intelligence. Plenty of good reasons to hate Musk, no need to make more up.
Price was reduced but the value remained the same. Sorry about being pedantic but it’s a pet peeve of mine.
I was under the impression that it was priced competitively for what it was but held down by being locked to PS5 (which is no longer true but the experience on PC is bad).
Is it because they claim they don’t own them? I assumed ownership of various invasive species like raccoons was banned EU-wide.
This asteroid must be a disappointment to its entire family.
Standing up to Israel means standing up to the US, many countries think they can’t afford it.
Anyone who thinks the way to head off the tide of fascism is by limiting the range of political choices to either fascists or pro-business neoliberal technocrats is dooming us to fascism.
David Graeber
These are standard course of treatment according to current state of medical / scientific knowledge. I’m in Poland but what I’ve shared is generally what the course of treatment is. Most people are fine with NSAIDs.
I was joking that healthcare reform that would solve it would be deemed too left wing politically. There’s been some activism in the US on that front like shooting private healthcare CEO but even raising taxes is now ridiculed.
Mine’s not progressed that far, caught it relatively early so just degenerative changes and random inflammation all over the place. I’m on maximum dose of NSAIDs (like Celecoxib which are better than nothing and I’m fortunate to tolerate them so far) and on a waitlist for biologic treatment qualification but my country doesn’t pay for it unless you’re already fusing so I don’t put much hope in it. This kind of medicine can be brought for ~$150 per month (cheapest TNFa inhibitor generic like Hyrimoz or Yuflyma) but up to $2000/m for stuff that you have to use if those don’t help (IL17A and JAK inhibitors). Apparently DMARDs like Sulfasalazine are no longer used even though they were standard just a couple of years ago since they’re not very effective in treating axial kind of this disease, just peripherial.
If you just found out - I think everyone affected wants to educate others after their diagnosis so that they don’t have to go through the same unnecessary pain but doctors just don’t have time to consider rare diseases. There’s also an issue that it’s common for this disease to present no biomarkers (especially if you have non-radiographic kind) so you might have inflammation visible on MRI with normal CRP and sed rate, weird stuff like that. There are lots of people that were referred to a psychologist before they were referred to a rheumatologist, at least where I live.
The only way for people not to go through this horrible process is to have better funded healthcare. When healthcare is a machine that’s supposed to make a profit there’s no sense in spending too much time on expensive to treat stuff. There is no magic solution unfortunately. I mean there is but it’s called fringe left ;)
I can answer this one due to first hand experience - it’s a condition caused by axial spondyloarthritis which is an autoimmune disease that attacks joints, in this case in the spine. Inflammation of joints leads to creation of osteophytes - bony projections that accumulate at the edges of vertebra that can form a bridge and fuse together. It is postulated that there’s a genetic component to this process because there are people who have inflammation but no excess of osteophytes without a solid reason but to be honest there are a lot of unknowns about this disease.
No idea why OP posted it though.
This spiral of violence must be stopped!
What did you put in? I wrote an essay on how inevitable praise of Dark Souls also applies to Metroid but then deleted it as too pretentious even for BAFTA.