This new medication is making me so, so sleepy. How am I supposed to work? 🥲
I wish I'm born with a normal brain. It is such a tiring journey to be normal.
This new medication is making me so, so sleepy. How am I supposed to work? 🥲
I wish I'm born with a normal brain. It is such a tiring journey to be normal.
It's going to be fine along to way while you're adapting to the medication! It is not something that can instantly cure your illbeing, but instead needs consistent monitoring and adjustment since our brain and nerve system are so complex. Keep it going! I was there before and couldn't even walk myself to eat, now, hereby, I'm able to touch the keyboard to send an input to you. Reach your friends and family members or trusted people to talk about your situation. You could DM me (in assumption that I'm not in my episode) anytime for the input!
Heya, thanks for the encouragement. It does seem to get better, though I'm still sluggish in the morning. Small wins!
I'm also happy for your journey so far, you're so strong for making it till this point.
Thankfully, I do have supportive family, SO and friends who have been wonderfully supportive. I hope you have the same support too. And thank you for your offer, I'll definitely DM
Finally feeling sober! Unable to control my sleepiness for a while now and the depression keep getting me. Now reading books, dropping some notes, and viewing more depressed news from the Internet I think :)
Ah, hello my old friend. The realisation of a one sided friendship.
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