so, you've listed an yahoo "article", that is ctrl c ctrl v of two other "articles" published on sites that will post everything you want if you pay them, both also linking an article from "scientific" "peer-reviewed" "journal" prominently appearing in Beall's list (usually called list of predatory journals in less polite company) that operate under the same business model but this time adding veneer of scientific credibility. i'd also note that Robert Beatty is not affiliated with any university, instead his only affiliation is Beatty LLC, listed under "allopathic and osteopathic" practitioner
this is on background of acyclovir being trialed for covid, and nothing has come out of it. taken together none of this passes smell test, however this fits alternative medicine narrative like a glove: outsider doctor shows that treatment was there all along and it's cheap and he'll sell it to you, because it's not drugs that treat people, it's knowledge that the medical establishment supresses
you've just helped spreading medical disinformation