The one downvote is from your cat 😹
Which is fair. She shall not be mocked!
Poor baby. Glad she's got you looking out for her best interests.
Thanks! I make fun of her but she's an absolute sweetheart, e.g., she hates her inhaler (will hold her breath, try to sneak away) but hasn't once tried to bite or scratch.
So gorgeous. Although she hates it, deep down she knows she can trust you.
Oh, man. The ol’ Aerokat. Liz Lemon seconds your cat’s facehugger likeness. She’s not a fan either. But she doesn’t hold her breath, so I at least have that going for me.
Lucky! I was kind of impressed when Betty figured out she could hold her breath but it's gotten slightly less funny over time.
Hah yeah I’d have been impressed too. Thankfully LL’s asthma has waned since we moved. So I’m thinking we maybe had some mold or something that was bothering her. I hope Betty gets more used to it!
How often do you have to use it?
Twice a day.
My cat with asthma looks just like yours. And yes he hates the inhaler.
I don't have a cat. Is this how she sees the inhaler?
I imagine so! She is not a fan and even after almost a year will try to hide her lil face from it etc.
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