It is disappointing that they made cyberpsychosis an actual disorder caused by cyberware instead of just what happens when someone with an increased capacity for violence snaps and starts lashing out. Cyberpunk 2077 itself managed to have a better take on it than Pondsmith himself does, where every "cyberpsycho" you run into was someone suffering from chronic problems with their implants, often someone with an already violent background or who was literally being tortured, who had no way out of their situation, and who was existing in a society that revolved around violence and death. Like there's a homeless veteran sniper with malfunctioning implants and no healthcare to deal with the constant, agonizing pain that causes who just starts shooting cops one day, there's a construction worker who was coerced by his boss into receiving shitty strength-boosting implants that cause him constant pain and that make him into a debt slave for his boss, who kills his boss and starts wrecking the worksite, that sort of thing. Meanwhile in another plot a character with a near full body replacement kills someone in a fit of rage but doesn't go on a rampage because she's completely insulated from the consequences of her actions by her wealth and status and so can just have someone else (the player) deal with it while retreating into rationalizations.
It's made abundantly clear that cyberpsychosis isn't a real thing, it's just a propaganda term for people who are suffering lashing out in the way that society expects and practically worships, and then doubling down on it because they're afraid of the consequences and they've been propagandized into believing that they're inevitably going to become a monster anyways.