Wow! How the hell do you make a snare drum at home???
The tricky part is making the jig. It seems like every other guy out there has their own way. I had to figure out what would work using some of the ideas I've seen.
I'd love to learn how. Do you have any resources you could share? Beautiful work!
Start here. It's what angles/size/#staves you'll need for the shell. I considered commercially making these but quality hardware is too expensive to make it viable. Not too many people willing to drop a grand on a drum.
What a beautiful looking drum. How does it sound?
Thanks. I don't know how to describe the sound too well. Crisp, slightly warm, overall fairly balanced. My drummer gets a lot of inquiries about it after our sets so it seems to do pretty good. Our last snare was just a basic steel that was in rough shape and kept beaking heads.
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