I doubt this will end well xd
So, fight club but on the internet.
Dude! First fucking rule!!!
No, actually just the way the internet used to be before it got pussified by eternal hall monitor mentality.
Lol, you say that like it's a good thing for everyone on the internet to be relentless assholes to eachother. And everyone who was around at the dawn of the internet talks about how before everyone was a total shitlord, spaces on the internet often had a sense of community
I guess people hadn't yet realized that there were no in-person consequences for saying the most vile or cruel thing they could scrounge up from some damaged corner of their brain
Now that's argumentative! Relentless assholery was never the norm. But the ever present possibility that you could come under fire definitely hardened people up with thicker skin. I would call it banter. Or shit talk.
Somebody really wants to drop a hard R.
Hall MonitoR
Interesting concept
No it isn't
If it wasn't an interesting concept, then why does it say it is?
Yes it is!
This isn't an argument, this is just contradiction!
No it isn't!
Sorry, I don't like spam.
I really don't think mashed potatoes are that good. I argue that any good meal needs to stand on its own, and any food that requires extra sauce, or other additives to make it good are not good enough for a meal.
Id even argue they are not even that good as a side dish, as combine with other food, the best they do is taste like the juice of meat, but more commonly they only add more blandness to whatever your eating, making it less than if eating without mashed potatoes.
So you enjoy meat without salt or season? A good meal would stand on its own.
Unseasoned meat can be delicious, the meat just has to be very good quality.
More importantly, I don't mean seasonings. Yes absolutely salt and season your meals, but even salted and otherwise seasoned potatoes are still pretty dang bland. In order for potatoes to be good, you need to add gravy, or cheese, or bacon or a whole other variety of things and combos of other food to make potatoes tasty. I won't say that a loaded up baked or mashed potatoes with all the bits isn't good, because it is. It's just that potatoes themselves are overrated.
You can take any meat, steak, chicken, pork, whatever, season with salt and pepper, and it's good. They each have their own distinct flavor. You can lightly salt and oil a good handful of different vegetables and they're good on their own. Hell even plain ass white rice with salt, pepper, and butter is pretty good. Do the same with potatoes, still bland, meh at best.
I'm calling bullshit. Have fun Eating you delicious unseasoned meats. It's how good food works complex flavors with quality ingredients. I'm sorry you are stuck with truck stop straight from a box mash potatoes. White rice is dogshit, literally the American cheese of rice enjoy your terrible taste more heavenly French fries for me.
You're bad at arguing.
I season my food. Read what I wrote.
I never mentioned French fries, I was talking mashed and baked potatoes, but if you wanna talk about french fries, those suck too.
I did read pal, I'm saying your a shitty cook, hence your flavorless potatoes.
Oh yeah, well have you considered that your face is flavorless?
I bet you didn't.
So take that.
Maybe if you take some cooking lessons you could figure out what would pair well with my face and you might grow up and enjoy it. You know what's worse than your hatred or bland potatos? Fucking onions You put any amount of onions in anything all you fucking taste is that nasty onion flavor.
Hey now, we're supposed to be arguing here, don't go posting things about onions that I agree with. Onions suck, and overpower any food you add them to. Gross.
mashed potato is a sauce
This community in like 5 seconds (which sounds funny as fuck; amazing idea)
Join And start some arguments!
good use of a full community name in the name!
i have a hard enough time finding places on lemmy that aren't that
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