This Kickstarter is for odd-numbered dice: D9. D11, D13, D15, D17 and D19. Available in Black, Red, Yellow, Green, Indigo and Purple. $12 plus shipping for the set of six.
I’ve backed Impact! Miniatures before and it’s always been great.
I really like that odd-numbered dice even exist. It sounds like a what-if that was taken too far. And it turned out great.
What about a unique way to show curses and disadvantages to your players. Impact!'s cursed dice allow you to give your players a unique die to use for the session to show the effect of their misguided actions. A D19 to show a curse that prevents criticals and natural 20s. Along with several other different dice to disadvantage rolls in many creative ways.
These dice were designed to be as fair as possible for an odd sided die. All the sides are equal sized and equal distant from the center mass. Each die was created by a specialist trained in working with geometeric design.
These odd dice are all new molds and modified designs by Impact! We've learned from our attempts to make odd sided dice in the past and these dice are brand new designs to make sure the dice stop faster by being larger and designed to have better defined stopping surfaces. The new designs are also easier to read with larger fonts and better extras to show you the top value being rolled.