Godot wants to thank Unity Technologies for it's generous support
The Humble Bundle sale is also helping.
I feel like that's not how you measure a game engine usage, the large majority probably don't install Godot via Steam, just looking at the numbers it's a very small sample which might not represent game devs in general
A doubling of usage amongst steam users is probably representative of a large uptake of Godot overall
Eh, I feel like the sampling is clearly biased toward those who would install a game engine through a service that auto-updates it. (Novices and hobbyists.)
And - thats exactly what that means...? An uptake in GODOT usage would mean novices and newbies are trying it out. Every new user is a newbie.
Can confirm. I use Godot and didn't even know it was on steam
It might mean something though, FFXIV is a classic example of a game that almost nobody plays on Steam, but its Steam charts line up somewhat well with the game's increasing popularity especially with Shadowbringers and Endwalker. Of course you have to look at actual data to back that up, but soemtimes it can show trends.
TIL Godot is on Steam. Huh, will you look at that.
What does that even mean? People using gui tools?
Professional game developers do not want their game engines to automatically update because when you upgrade engine versions things usually break. This happens in Unity, Godot, Unreal, and every other engine or framework I've seen in games. For big changes, this is inevitable. So professional game developers download the engine directly from the provider and not a service that will automatically update the engine version from under your project.
I don't even know why Godot is on steam. Probably to gain more discoverability and popularity.
Because if you want professional game developers to exist then you have to be welcoming to them when they are just aspiring game developers. Kids who play lots of games and want to have a fiddle around with tools for making games are much more likely to do so if there is a way to access them that they are familiar with and already associate with gaming.
godot doesn't break stuff in minor releases, and steam version of Godot has separate release tracks for each version (you can switch between godot 3 and 4)
Yeah there's a couple tools like that on steam. Blender is on it too.
Does godot support 3D? If so does it support PBR materials? Does it support installing 3rd party plugins like HAVOK? Literately the only things i need.
It support 3D, but I think Vulkan is in Godot 4. I'm not sure how mature it's. In Godot 3, it only support OpenGL.
- Yes, not a great as Unity but it's still pretty good especially after they switched to Vulkan over OpenGL. VR performance still could use some work though.
- Yes, PBR materials are fully supported. Actually one of the earlier things in 3D that was implemented, and then imoroved
- Yes, now I don't know if HAVOK has a Godot plugin but there is a Jolt physics plugin that's designed to be plug-and-play, with a few exceptions (it doesn't suppory soft bodies afaik)
I did not know Godot was on steam. Why would one prefer to use steam instead?
I'm assuming for automatic updates. Just like some people do with Blender.
Oh yeah for Windows and mac os that makes sense. The problem doesn't exist om linux with package managers :3
winget install --id=GodotEngine.GodotEngine -e
I suppose it's the easiest way to try it out.
I wouldn't use it long-term, because you don't want Godot to update without you knowing, if there's something that needs to be changed due to an update. I bet a few people noticed the update from 3.x to 4.x..
I've read it also doesn't come with the C# support, so that's one reason not to use Steam for it if you're interested in testing that side.
If you're on Windows, it's an easy way to auto-update. If you're on Linux, there is no need for that.
Just like Linux is default standard for servers, I wish Godot would become a future's stardard of game engine.
Just like hudreds of corpos and many independent individuals commit patches to Linux kernel, I wish the same happens with Godot.
GPL forces modifications to be best put upstream. Godot is MIT, which usually doesn't get the same effect
I love seeing more people getting into Godot! It's such a nice game engine with a fun learning curve and the scripting language is mostly hassle free.
What's GODOT?
The free, open source game engine everyone should have been using and contributing to this whole time but noooOOOooo.
It's an open source game engine. People tend to consider it as a replacement for Unity when it come to 2D game development.
hey it's 3d is pretty decent too!
you won't be making aaa games with it anytime soon but it's really good for 99% of tasks
For indie game development in general as of Godot 4.
... and I assume that's just the instances installed through Steam.
yup, thats steamDB, I do wonder how many devs installed it via DL from the site or other ways
Unrelated question: is it pronounced go-DOT as in polkadot, or go-DOH, like the actress Gal Gadot?
Theres no official pronounciation
The most common ones are guh-dough & go-dough (+ other variations) with the t silent, but the lead developer as well as a bunch of others call it go-dot and some people put the d in the first syllable instead to do things like god-oo
While the numbers themselves are just a small fraction of actual usage (as I guess most people using it don't do it thru steam), it doubled in about a week.
What would be an "educated" guess of steam/non-steam users ratio? 1:50? 1:100?
Awesome- hopefully more money will get put into the development fund as well. It is rather small yet.
I forget who and I'm too lazy to search, but a company just announced a recurring $10,000/month donation to Godot. A few others are donating too. So they do have some monetary support!
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