The moldy blur effect.
At least you learned how to not let it happen the next time.
The moldy blur effect.
At least you learned how to not let it happen the next time.
How do you make sure it doesn’t happen?
I'd guess like any other mold prevention, moisture control.
I just hope I learned the right lessons 😅
Prolly need to break the buds up, lower the humidity, have more airflow … the usual mold mitigation stuff (that I thought I was doing right)
That sucks 😭 did you salvage anything?
Sadly, no. It all looked great on the outside, but everything had this inside. Most of it wasn't visible until I broke the buds open, but once I noticed it, I just went cutting through each one. It was too much to be worth risking, and after thinking on it all day we decided to call it a lesson
It was a sad lesson, anyways
Hey subsub if you haven't thrown it all away yet you can salvage it by making bubble hash.
Damn, yeah - we have some various allergies and sensitivities to molds ans mildews, so we didnt wanna risk it and threw it out right away. I also thought of a tincture or something - maybe alcohol would kill the shit tgat we're worried about? Dunno. Thanks tho, I'll have to look into that (even tho I hope this doesn't happen again, it seems like it'd be useful to know)
I dare say you could cook it up as well, make some cookies or something?
I hope it wasn’t your only stash
Nah, thankfullyr
How did you manage to do that?
I guess because I was trying that "hang the whole branch to dry" method, with the same arrangement I had with the larfy harvest before it. I needed to increase airflow, I think? I dunno, but I think I'll stick with taking everything off the strm for now
What were your conditions? You should keep the air moving at all times.
Where I am it’s stupid dry, so I have to leave stuff on the branches or it’s over dry in days.
It was towars the upper edn of 50% humidity , and I had air moving around the room, but not specifically for this purpose ans I think with the level of humidity I should have had a fan or dehu going. I think it might work well when the weather is actually more wintery than it is now, but until then I have to be more diligent
I'd guess that there was already mold in the bud at harvest. It looks like a lot and I think it takes a few days for mold to spread that much.
You think? I have no idea - the plant seemed fine, and I didnt notice it until I opened it up, so I don't really know. I'll have to keep a closer eye, and maybe break the big buds up a little more before drying, just to check.
As soon as they develop buds I check them every day for mold. In both of my grows I discovered mold one day before the planned harvest and had to throw away some of it.
When the buds grow denser I even bend the bigger ones a bit to check its cores. I do this with rubber gloves or skewers because it's so very sticky.
Ah, sure. I'll have to keep a closer eye on it throughout the grow. Thanks for the insight!
You mean the entire plant or individual branches with the fan leaves removed? Because the latter should be fine as long as there's some air circulation and the relative humidity isn't too high. That's how I've always dried them and I've never had mold. Few times I've moved them drying elsewhere after the surface has still felt moist after like 4 days of drying.
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