It's a tie between Devil's Haircut and Where It's At.
I'm with you on Devil's Haircut. Just a great example of what he does.
it's also even better live. wish he released a live album at some point, I hate that we only have shitty camera videos of this.
I love the entire Guero album, but E-Pro always gets my feet tappin
The entire Sea Change Album is fantastic but Lost Cause for when I'm feeling introspective
Probably "My Broken Friend".
Surely it's gotta be loser
The only song I'll ever do in karaoke. I always dedicate it "to all the ladies."
When I saw the cover of the video I thought 'is it Satan gave me a taco?' and I was was delighted to see I was correct! ๐
I just love that entire song, the minimal guitar setup, the fever dream of hell that turns out just be regular rock'n'roll, the old lady beating him with a handbag...
Such an awesome song.
"I was getting kinda dizzy, eating all the lard"
Sexx Laws is my number one.
But I'd be remiss if I didn't take this opportunity to mention Clap Hands, specifically these live "dinner table" versions. Shit is mesmerizing.
If somebody asks me it's loser, but this is my true answer
Truly depends on the mood I'm in.
If I want to get all funky its usually Mixed Bizness
If I want a chiller pop happy groove I go to No Distraction Midnight Vultures, Guero (as well as Guerolito for remixes) , and Colors are all solid for higher energy stuff.
If I want to just have the deep feels. I go for his cover of Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Yet a great deal of of the songs from Morning Phase and/or Sea Change can hit that spot as well.
However I can get lost in so many of his songs/albums. After the orchestral tour he did this year I've rediscovered his more orchestral stuff such as Lonesome Tears
Also if I'm just in a mood, I won't lie. I'll listen to MTV Makes Me Want to Smoke Crack.
Anyhow... Thank you for listening to my Beck Talk.
That's a beckspert's answer
Everybody's gotta learn sometime
Not really a solo Beck song but I love the Chemical Brothers song Wide Open featuring him.
no love for Fume?
Steve Threw Up
guess im doing fine
I don't listen to or support any scientologist, including Beck