Do you have any other recs for like animated sci-fi shows aimed at older audiences like this, especially ones with leftist themes? I enjoyed watching Pantheon and want to find more vaguely similar media
Undone isn’t animated but it is rotoscoped. It was pretty decent.
Fuck yeah I was just finishing season one on Netflix. It’s been so good
I just finished it last night. Apparently there is a season 2, but I don't know where to stream it.
Apparently there is a season 2, but I don't know where to stream it.
I pirated it pretty easily off the web. I don't recall where though. or is working for me.
what's cosmism
It's a sort of mix of new-age thought and scifi transhumanism that was popular in the USSR for a time. Part of their ideology was that eventually all humans throughout history (or really all life forms) could be resurrected and saved from death and all of life could live in a super advanced communist utopia. I'm not an expert on it though, this is just the jist of it I've collected.
LMAO, 30 minutes into season 2 episode 1 and the Chinese political prisoner is saying he was arrested for calling China capitalist.
Thanks for the rec, it's interesting.
After he gets called a "democracy activist" by someone and tells them off for assuming he wanted to "create something as decedent as western liberalism".
Ya, I wanna make clip of it.
I finished it up last night. Really enjoyed that ending! Thanks again!
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Here's a list of tons of leftist movies.