Here's the thing about abortion in Canada ...
- the right to abortion is not codified in law: the SCoC struck down the laws against abortion in 1988 based on our 1982 Charter of Rights
- abortion is technically legal under the federal Health Act
- this is why the Cons have stated they don't want to challenge women's ability to have an abortion ... because if they did in court, and it went to SCoC, the court could (and likely would) force the Con gov't to enact actual legislation forever enshrining abortion rights in Canadian law
- the Cons, just like the GOP down south, are hoping to have enough power at some time to force change here -- but the problem is our SCoC works differently than SCOTUS (ie: zero judges are elected in Canada, ever); SCoC rulings are not based on original intent (and our Charter is vastly newer than America's founding documents); etc.