The guy who became a multi-millionaire from taxpayer dollars.
Or ... and hear me out here ... the CRA has never spent as much time and money on auditing/verifying the taxes of the rich as they have the taxes of the poor and lower middle class.
Just ask single mothers whose child tax benefit gets cut off for no reason.
Back in 2011 when I left my husband I had to provide two letters from social workers that verified the separation was real, and 6 months of bills verifying my new address.
Why don't people claiming a $40 million tax refund have to do the same?
i would start carrying tasers, ladies
I prefer 3 keys on a small chain, sticking out through my fist. That way nobody can take my "weapon" and use it on me ... unlike a knife or taser.
Looks like my dad's belly just before he found out he had metastatic pancreatic cancer and his liver was full of it.
The whole article speaks about how global north nations should be financially helping poorer global south nations.
Why you thought that blaming poverty-stricken global south nations for not being active enough in battling climate change is beyond me.
I mean they're mostly seen as resources for the north, and often end up in huge debt to to the IMF ... spending billions on paying back loans, etc.
But you just complain about the money instead.
Yup. If the elites (ie: economists, politicians, etc) don't start paying attention to the majority of us who are barely making it, why should we believe them when they say 'but the economy is doing well'?
But headline figures don’t reflect how most people experience the economy. Prices are 20% higher than before the pandemic and, more importantly, prices for essentials such as food are up 28%.
Like piss, right?
I am sick to my stomach over this today. I truly thought that Harris would pull it out of the bag.
Can hardly wait for our next election. /s
It's because rabies infects the brains of animals, so that's the tissue that is tested.
I'm wondering why the people who were caring for the animals didn't just get them rabies shots in the first place.
It's no different than when provincial gov'ts found lotteries and casinos were thee cash cow they needed to fund their tax coffers instead of taxing the rich ... which is what should have been done.
Privatize and tax the fuck of ALL forms of gambling and get the gov't out of it.