This kind of vagueposting is unhelpful and the reason people assumed sexual motives for your post - Here, not talking about the specific event made me assume there was an issue with it, so I checked the modlog to find your post, and it's a big boobed blonde farmer-chic waifu carrying a baby and what I assume is lemonade. You captioned it with a double bill of "I swear I'm not a retvrn/traditionalist" and "this makes me feel something [towards family]".
The first part, "I swear I'm not", acknowledges the appearance of the situation (posting a waifu) but assures us, without evidence or explanation, that you don't have those motivations, it's just a similarity in the act. It's like jumping up as soon as someone comes in the room to loudly declare that you're not masturbating - Regardless of whether it's true or not it is extremely suspicious to deny something before any accusations have been thrown around.
The second part, again, lacks explanation - you feel "something", not defined as positive or negative, just a vague feeling. Combined with the picture and denial, readers have already been primed to think you're just in denial about being horny.
When you only leave room for assumptions, people are going to make them.
On the other hand, your mum just sounds like an ass. If your adult cousins have to come over and do it you're either too young or lack the skills to actually help out, and will probably just be getting in the way. It is polite to ask if they need help with anything, but it's also polite to stay out of the way and not distract them while they're working.