Trespasser doesn't run on Steam Deck no other criticism
The price model in Victoria 3 is shit. They should have used labour theory of value instead.
Xenoblade Chronicles: 1 and 2 are very hard to play after all the QOL in 3/FR (auto pick up items, for instance). I hope they make X DE have all the QOL stuff from 3.
Monhun: archdemon mode being weaker than demon mode made no sense
I hate how in Darkest Dungeon there's moves than lower the enemy's dodge, but if their dodge is high enough they'll just dodge the debuff attempt. They also could have used a few more Healbot items. Up until the Crimson Court DLC, the Vestal was one of the only reliable healers. And I say this as someone who ran a lot of teams that were just 3 tanks and Arbalest.
Cassette Beasts maybe needed a couple more quests to hide the grind, but they did a good job at hiding the grindy elements otherwise.
FFXIV has too little content being released once you actually get through everything they made in the last decade.
CrossCode's pacing is a little strange, especially towards the start of the game which feels long and slow, and has a billion side quests available for doing much less interesting tasks compared to the later game side quests.
Reforger doesn't seem to have very strong moderation, it's all too easy to run into random racists. Squad on the other hand does a surprisingly good job with this, but it doesn't have that same level of realism.
This was a sting op to figure out if hexbear is full of gamers and we failed
Tf2: remove sniper. Game should have been updated to source 2 for better mod support and mod accessibility. Removing quick play was bad. There should be a way do see other people's sprays. Let people be exposed to horrible sprays, could not be worse than all the bots. Removing speech from f2p is bad. I am not paying for that shit.
Dyson Sphere Program is ChInEsE!!!!!!
My only real gripe actually might be that I think terraforming shouldn't cost dirt. In the game, you can only plot down tiles if you have dirt that is used as currency, essentially. It's such a boring mechanic that I use a mod to make it free.
Not a favorite game, I do still like it though, but in Stardew Valley since I'm doing a modded run currently, I think the days should be 0.5 times longer and businesses should open at 8 instead of 9. Also the tractor should be an actual in-game item. Tweak it a bit of course because it's pretty game breaking since you get to get way more done in a day.
I might add more games if I think of a few.
Stalker sucks. You die in one hit, the game bugs the fuck out (especiallu vanilla clear sky), and the storyline isnt really anything special.
In Tales of Symphonia backtracking to collect the summons with Sheena doesn't add much to the narrative and only serves to take time.
Tabletop, DnD, board games, and minecraft. Also Animal Crossing.
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