There's an easter egg in Gunstar Heroes if you survive against Timeron for 100 minutes in the spaceship level.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
If you've completed enough endings of Nier Replicant/Gestalt you'll already know the twist at the end of Nier Automata, but less known is that the triggering event of Nier's plot, White Chlorination Syndrome, is introduced by ending E of Drakengard, where the Japanese Air Force shoot down a dragon that just killed a god in a dance off.
This means that the reason you can find the Drakengard weapons in the Nier games is because Caim was carrying all 65 different swords, axes, maces, hammers, spears, staves, and polearms on his person when he was blown to fucking bits by an air to air missile, scattering them across Tokyo.
If I wanted to play Drakenguard, do I need to start with the first one, or can i jump in anywhere?
2's the only one that's a direct sequel, so you can start with 1 or 3. Overall the continuity goes 3->hundreds of years->1->2->thousands of years->Nier->tens of thousands of years->Nier: Automata.
I will warn you though, combat in 1 and 2 is a lot rougher and more repetitive than in Nier: Automata and Replicant 1.27whatever, and the world and story of Drakengard, particularly 1, is much darker and fucked up - grimdark fantasy kinda thing. The first game's "heroes" include a blood knight protagonist, his trusty human eating steed, a useless priest, a woman driven insane by the loss of her family, and a paedophile who escaped the massacre of his family because he was jacking off in the woods. It's not played for laughs, it's an extremely dysfunctional group of outcasts killing thousands of people to stop something worse than them from happening. 2 and 3 lighten up a bit on the heroes, but there's still plenty of weird sex stuff across them and the villains.
Overall, my advice is don't. Just read a Let's Play of them instead.
Tabletop, DnD, board games, and minecraft. Also Animal Crossing.
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