Addition: Fertility rate appears to be lowest in China worldwide, EU and the U.S. are a bit higher. You can see these and other countries here (you can search for other countries using the search field at the top of the diagram in the link).
Another knot in the noose is that there are already 400 million people of age to retire and collect a pension, and not enough money going into the funds to pay for the people who will be retiring in the next few decades. So the younger generations, which still come from families that had children when the one-child policy was in effect, are having to work harder to support several people, both parents and all four grandparents. With so little free time, how does anyone have the time to meet and form a meaningful relationship with someone else, let alone get married and have children?
The one-child policy may have seemed like a good idea when it was implemented, but hindsight has shown that it might end up having been disastrous for the economy. For the sake of the workers in China, I hope the government figures something out to help, but I'm not gonna pretend I have any ideas, because I'm just an idiot on the internet and I don't.
Genuine news and discussion about China