They're working on a sequel:
Ha! I'd completely forgotten about that. Smith tends to annouce a lot of stuff. I'm still waiting for Mallrats 2 which was a film, then possibly a TV series. I'm not sure if that's still floating around.
It would be nice to see the original Dogma resurface. The rights are so old, it's not even streaming anywhere.
Your only option is second hand physical media. The DVD should be quite easy to find.
Went and saw Kevin Smith do a stand-up/spoken word set recently. Towards the end he mentioned in addition to a sequel, that Dogma would be getting an Arrow 4K release similar to Mallrats. I haven't seen any official announcements so I guess take that with a grain of salt.
There's another option besides second hand physical media.
I think it's on YouTube in 720P. Nope, just checked, I'm sure it used to be. There's just SD copies now. One of them is 4:3!
There's a beautiful 1080p version on my Plex server.
I think the high quality ones came down after he recovered the rights, I also remember there being a high quality video on yt
Bro, I still want Hit Somebody even though I know, in my heart of hearts, it's never coming...
I feel like we could use a Buddy Christ right about now.
An absolute corker of a movie. Chock full of quotable moments and hilarity. Long live Dogma.
So stoked for this. The Judge Not documentary is fantastic. May be biased though, my screen name is taken from Vulgar.
Home Video (VHS, DVD, Blu-ray, 4k)
On Reddit we have r/dvdcollection, r/boutiquebluray, r/4kbluray, r/steelbook, r/vhs, etc but let's start simply with a community to cover all the forms of home video collecting.
So, do you feel nostalgic for a format? Are you looking forward to a release? Heard any exciting news? Want to show us your shelves? Then post away.
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