I wonder what kind of long term damage this will do to the US, why the fuck did shit like this have to happen in my lifetime.
You'll probably see the BRICS countries ditching the dollar for their own currency within a few years. With USAID gone basically the entire global South will be looking towards China as well.
Once oil stops being sold in dollars and the dollar stops being a reserve currency, you'll probably start seeing hyperinflation and deficits and debts actually mattering a lot more than they currently do.
And what has always, in all history, been the most effective metod to deflect from incompetence and one's own corruption? Yes. It will still be a military superpower by then. I hope I am wrong and that the people in the US act swiftly.
US soft power is gone now. The sheer treachery displayed in this Ukraine move has completely lost the trust of all of its allies. There's no way anyone can afford to rely on them for anything now.
I'm fully expecting American civil war in near future.
Because the easy times made weak people... People like Trump and Elon. And now the hard times are going to have to forge the strong people... After the weak and wealthy are done harvesting the remaining wealth of America.
That whole "hard times make strong men" litany is pro-war gaslighting, not how humanity works.
The real (main) reason is the corporate takeover of every part of American society, including the parts that were supposed to defend against and denounce it.
In effect, you have to be a corporation or have a net worth of at least a hundred million dollars in order to have any real autonomy in the US and corporatist fascism is the inevitable result of that.
The "weak men" part is the part where people become so complacent, docile, and addicted to convenience that they allow the corporate takeover to happen.
Weak men creating hard times is happening right now, in real time, right on schedule.
That's still not accurate. Propaganda is much more effective than most people are aware of/willing to admit.
You don't have to be weak or stupid to fall victim to effective messaging and when all of the most trusted sources of information repeat the same pro-corporate and anti-worker propaganda for several lifetimes, everyone who's not actively searching for independent sources (which is probably 25% of Lemmy but 75% of the general public) will inevitably be fooled into believing the lie since that's the only information they have available
Calling people weak for that is textbook victim blaming and pretending that all we need to solve the problems is to be "stronger" is the kind of oversimplification used in the lies that got us here.
You don't need good times to create weak people. You just need people to be stupid and easy to manipulate, which they are all the time by nature. That's all. WWII followed WWI, there were no good times before the nazi Germany. It didn't help.
Don't discount the Great Depression making "soft" people. Eating boot leather is the mark of a lavish and hedonistic lifestyle. /s
Malnutrition might soften the brain.
I guess beauty is subjective.
The content and topic of the data don't affect if it's well presented. You can hate what it's about and still appreciate the design of how it's presented.
Data is ~~Beautiful~~ Blandly Presented but Terrifying
The beauty here is the clean presentation and directness. Like a guillotine- everything you need to do the job, nothing you don't.
If we gave the Project 2025 crew Jira, it cpuld drag the entire operation to a halt.
Atlassian, your hour of need is at hand. It's time to Save Democracy! Let us send wave after wave of Scrum Coaches to chase down Musk toadies and demand they play Scheduling Poker before defunding the VA. Do they even have a Definition of Done for conquering Canada?
If there's one thing conservatives love, it's pointless ceremonies.
You monster...
That's genius. If there's one thing I know from my time working on government contracts, it's that the agile methodology grinds those contracts to a halt
The republic is so unbelievably done.
Next mid terms the right will sweep the elections with Belarus-levels of fraud, in 4 years there'll be an amendment to officiate the thousand-years reich.
In 10 years -- world war 3.
That long for a world war you think?
After the US has thrown Ukraine under the bus and carved it up with Russia, there will be a few quiet years as Europe arms itself and Russia re-arms. Then WW3 will kick off. Fuck knows which side the US will be on.
I don't think so. I want to believe that they're doing so much wanton destruction to the federal government's administrative capacity that we'll simply (and peacefully) balkanize into a more EU style trade confederation of economically interdependent but legislatively independent nations. If I had to guess causes for a hot shattering of the federation, it'd probably be starting shit in Canada. Nobody but these fucking assholes want to start shit with Canada, and I could see it as an opportunity for regions interested in independence to put out feelers for international recognition and support (and potentially getting it). Under previous administrations, it would have been night impossible, but tweedle dee and tweedle dumb are also taking a huge shit all over the intelligence agencies that would have squashed such movements previously.
It has already begun in that sense
Do you really think Trump will wait that long? I think we might be on an accelerated timeline.
Yeaup :(
They will try.
So they developed some kind of progress bar, that allows the whole world to track the USAs way to fascism? Interesting choice
If that were the case it would be at 96%
Data is terrifying
I hate that this HAS to exists, this is basically an anxiety tracker. For Herr Trump to deny that he has had anything to do with this, its sure progressing at a steady rate.
**Frau Trump
Don't forget: everyone in America is a woman now by her own executive order 👍
Frau Drumpf, for completeness sake
John Oliver himself feels embarrassed at that term, although I'm not sure why since it's hilarious 😂. (Edit: he says it at 33:15)
But Trump told me he didn't know what Project 2025 was and DEFINITELY wouldn't Implement it!
To be fair, his brain is such mush, that he probably doesn't. It's his ~~puppeteers~~ handlers that know.
It's time to start fighting for real. Fuck this diplomacy bullshit
We will know so far ahead of time if something happens, it is as if nothing happened at all.
Prescience is a prison
And now do egg price.
This is not beautiful data.
Commander, the Americans continue to make progress on the Avatar project. ... If we're going to slow them down, we need to move fast.
Thanks for sharing
Was just wondering yesterday if this existed. Thank you so much!
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