[-] 10001110101@lemm.ee 5 points 3 days ago

Yeah, that's what I mean, the workers could go in the factory, produce the goods, and sell them, if the company did not use violence. It's not clear where the factory came from in this hypothetical. The community could've built it, it could have been abandoned, or the company could've claimed they "owned" it (which is not possible in the society, so it would be seized).

[-] 10001110101@lemm.ee 7 points 3 days ago

Well, it's unlikely the entire world will turn anarchist all at once, and the modern supply chain is global, so the anarchist community would trade for what they need from outside the community. Or they may choose to go anarcho-primitivism I guess. I think some remote indigenous tribes we have now could be considered anarcho-primitivist. The most successful anarcho-socialist community would probably be the Zapatistas.

[-] 10001110101@lemm.ee 12 points 3 days ago

The company would need violence. There's no reason for workers to work in a factory for less money than their goods are sold for, and there's no reason for the company to pay workers more than the goods are sold for. Without violence the workers could just produce and sell the goods themselves and ignore the company.

[-] 10001110101@lemm.ee 2 points 6 days ago

TBF, I'd prefer a random felon over a random DA. Also, the people did elect many Democrat representatives, who are not doing their jobs in the eyes of most of the people who have elected them. And the answer to "how can we help,” is always donating to them to do so little, even when they were in power.

[-] 10001110101@lemm.ee 1 points 6 days ago

I was wondering this is well. Took me a while to find this discussion: https://woem.men/notes/9ozhpn3l2n5v0b6c

He claims he only created an account to "investigate" if they were talking about him.

Another worrying thing I accidentally stumbled on a while back was he was in the streamer "Destiny" chat. Hmm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgF92Wi8J7o (said he used to listen to Jordan Peterson in 2015 too).

Yeah, IDK what to think about him now. I still like his consumer advocacy though, I guess.

[-] 10001110101@lemm.ee 8 points 6 days ago

Why stainless over cheap regular ceramic plates or drinking glasses?

[-] 10001110101@lemm.ee 7 points 1 week ago

I'd argue that even if gen-AI art is indistinguishable from human art, human art is better. E.g. when examining a painting you might be wondering what the artist was thinking of, what was going on in their life at the time, what they were trying to convey, what techniques they used and why. For AI art, the answer is simply it's statistically similar to art the model has been trained on.

But, yeah, stuff like game textures usually aren't that deep (and I don't think they're typically crafted by hand by artists passionate about the texture).


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