did you just bring up some nonsensical point to exploit workers? how's that boot taste?
I considered going back to using mail to send messages to my family instead of calling or texting them, as i am a very privacy centric person. After seeing how this strike has been handled, i don't know if i can rely on the service.
maybe i just have a different view on things.
i thought you were going to go somewhere that they are required for human mating.
I don't feel like i diverse a reward, and if the comments are reserved to a place where it's consensual, i don't see an issue. but imagine your picture was being shared online and people who have no idea are, make comments like this about you? wouldn't you feel a bit upset about that?
Might start with the letter I and end with the letter L
i fail to understand how i am very respectable when i try to find a girlfriend yet this misogyny is widely celebrated by some men and some women find it acceptable. is somthing wrong with me?
if i could live my live with crypto, i would of done it already. I cant buy my groceries, pay my phone bill, or buy stuff at the variety store with crypto. I don't give a fuck about the investment part, i just want to stop using fiat, but i have no choice.
I don't but im pretty sure this has been reported already (at least im assuming) or i would of forwarded this to someone i know who works for the RCMP in alberta.
where was that AI made?
yeah, im hoping thoese who i talk to will use E2EE email, but i'll be using it mostly for personal stuff. The last two things is a browser, and phone, but the last one might be impossible.
ok whatever you think.