I'd love to see Bing or Qwant or Yandex (to be honest ideally Bing as they share their index) get a similar deal for StackOverflow or Github just to give Google a taste of their own medicine now
I just looked up the car crashes and it was 3 people to hospital as a direct result of the traffic, I got casualties mixed up with deaths. I'll edit my comment to say.
There's no exact figure on ambulances delayed, but given all the traffic it caused, but for heart attacks (all I could find good data on) the chances of surviving are halved in a 4 minute period (https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/JAHA.120.017048), so factoring in all serious injuries there's a decent chance that at least one outcome was severely affected if not changed to death as a result of an ambulance being delayed.
coke has a zero sugar ...
and yet they're probably charging the same as full sugar, probably while adding sweeteners to the full sugar version?
I hate to break it to you but sweetened drinks aren't much better for you than sugary ones, but are way cheaper to produce, so this is just coke wanting to save money yet again
Intelligence is just knowing things and being able to process things, so in theory knowing about religion would be intelligence, however in religion knowing the *significance* of things is much more important, so it should really be wisdom...
Low intelligence may mean you follow blindly, but ask the average religious person the reasoning for The Great Schism and they'll probably pull a blank. Ask an irreligious trivia expert and they'll probably be able to tell you about how it was a disagreement over some traditions and the powers of the pope and who it should be which resulted in Christianity splitting in two in the 11th century, but it would take wisdom to know why it was significant, and why Catholics/Orthodox have historically disliked each other less than either/Muslims, along with a bunch of other useful contextual information which is lost when regurgitating facts
Ya think?
I'm lucky enough to be reasonably well off, and seeing the price of gas and electricity I've had to cut back elsewhere, take showers at work etc. to keep the same amount of savings, paying mortgage etc.
Imagining not having nearly as much to cut back on, no showers at work, can't cycle to work and more isn't hard, as it's obviously just such a shit situation and yet those in power at Westminster seem completely oblivious to it
What, genociding the Irish and banning any form of fun by claiming enjoyment is sinful?
Sounds like a perfect swap for slightly more availability of dentists /s
Who's suggesting that people are using if statements for arithmetic?
The only time that you can feasibly replace an if statement with arithmetic is if it's a boolean, but frankly that's an edge case... Also if you're not writing in rust or c or whatever then don't worry as the interpreter will run a huge amount of branches for every line of code (which is what all your nested ifs, switches, gotos, returns etc. will compile down to anyway)
Key being some words
Both have evolved, so it's unsurprising that if you pick and choose your words American English is more similar to 17c English
Iirc though the most similar are west country and a few accents from the southern states in the US, but they've evolved a lot too so they're not most similar in every way
Saved 67% (the content)
Kept 33% (the filler)
There's a difference between being a team player and a subservient pawn though - if the maintainer wanted to play as a team they would've suggested changes to the patch and accepted OP's PR. As it happens they didn't as they clearly have some sort of a power/superiority complex or something, or at best are dismissive of others to the detriment of the project they work on
In other news there are more than two sets of opinions in the world?
This is my biggest irk about two-party systems. Everyone identifies as one or the other when in reality you're gonna agree with 20-50% of the policies of one and 40-80% of the policies of the other, yet because they identify as a supporter of x party they feel have to pretend they can do no wrong
more science facts, if you were to put earth as close as you could to saturn without them destroying each other, they would orbit each other as a binary planet rather than earth being a satellite of saturn
essentially there's no way for earth to stably orbit saturn as it'd have to be so close it'd be ripped apart