That's half true... Spain has two exceptionally good teams whereas other leagues have fewer, but have way more very good teams where Spain only have "ok" teams. Compare teams in midtable or towards the bottom of the Premier League or Bundesliga with teams towards the bottom of La Liga and it's clear that Spain has a huge power imbalance and is suffering as a result as the quality of the opposition just isn't as good.
Wait wtf, how hot does it have to be for you to wear shorts?
I'll begin wearing them 100% of the time at 50F and 0% at maybe 30F?
And then I'll have to cower indoors in underwear only at 70F or so, as that's *too* hot
Life expectancy is how long you can expect to live from birth. It being 30 implies that you can expect to live 30 years, however in fact you'd most likely live <5 or >50 years
Wow I was certain it'd be United Utilities and Thames Water, but I guess it is a 3 member mismanagement shitshow club rather than 2
Yeah agreed that while you're more than likely not gonna get sick from it unless you have an allergic reaction of some sort, it's still probably dusty as those things are a nightmare to clean and so not a pleasant lick
It's not scrolling though - using the arrow keys on a keyboard or d-pad on a controller you'd use up to go up and down to go down when navigating documents, menus etc. As far as I'm aware unlike when you're moving a viewport either by scrolling or in games there's no debate when it comes to moving a caret.
And as you said, "having grown up in the tape era". Just because it was logical for that application and so is logical to you doesn't mean it's still logical - people who grew up with record players could just as easily argue for two spinning knobs as you're moving a potentiometer to increase/decrease the volume, and spinning the record forward/back; having grown up in the CD era I had both of them being up/down or left/right as the buttons were either beneath or either side of the slot/hatch most of the time, same with tv remotes having both as up/down, and given there was no standard then I don't think either one "just makes sense"
If at least 1 person in the room of 400 is shot per day they'd be dead in just over a year...
Last I checked the population of the US wasn't plummeting, so what else is wrong here?
Sounds unsuitable then
It's just as a fallback in case a site isn't tested on firefox and uses some obscure & nonstandard API, so customisable doesn't matter.
There's a point where you have to question whether sentience is present vs the ability to react to the world... Mostly in flies (which have some of the lowest neuron count of any animal) they just fly towards smell and light etc. - they don't get angry or upset or noticibly happy and that's not too far beyond a light switch reacting to you pressing it.
My negative reaction to the post is due to "I don't feel like paying for it"
"I can't afford it", "I want to see if I can run it", "I don't support the restrictive drm" are all valid reasons to pirate in my opinion, but none of them appear to apply here and "I don't feel like paying" absolutely isn't, especially if they would buy it if they couldn't pirate it (which is the impression I get from the post).
In most cases calling piracy stealing/theft is stupid, but in these cases it actually is akin to shoplifting from a chain store
Copyrights and patents
Used to collect the products of another person's labor
If you ask me it's the exact opposite... Copying someone else's work with no benefit to them removes a big driver for innovation.
This also only really applies with corporations - you could in theory have everyone be self-employed in a capitalist society
Liberalism is just letting people do what they want so long as it doesn't interfere with letting people doing what they want
Support gay marriage? That's liberal.
Support corporations paying people 30¢ per hour for 18h workdays? That's liberal.
Support people having access to HRT and abortions? That's liberal.
Support people owning guns? That's liberal.
Support unrestricted immigration and trade? That's liberal.
The problem is it doesn't fit in with the US definition of "left" and "right" - it's economically far right but socially far left, and most Americans just cannot understand that